Call For Proposals: Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilizers to improve soil health and quality

Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilizers to improve soil health and quality

Topic ID: Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023)

Type of action: HORIZON-JU-IA HORIZON JU Innovation Actions

Deadline model: single-stage

     Opening date: 26 April 2023

Deadline date: 20 September 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time

Expected Outcome:

This topic contributes to the objectives of the Communication on “Ensuring availability and affordability of fertilisers”, EU Bioeconomy Strategy, Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”, Common Agriculture Policy, and EU Fertilising Products Regulation by replacing synthetic fossil and mineral fertilisers and supporting the strategic autonomy of the EU fertiliser industry through the production of sustainable and safe bio-based alternatives to improve soil health and quality. The successful proposals will support the achievements of the Farm to Fork strategy objectives and targets as well as of the European Green Deal (EGD) objectives.

Project results should contribute to the following expected outcomes:

  • Enhanced availability of affordable and sustainable fertiliser in the EU
  • Safe, precise applicable and efficient bio-based fertilisers to support the transition towards a circular economy (including fertiliser industry) and agricultural production
  • Replacement of conventional fossil and mineral fertilisers with bio-based alternatives[1], while closing nutrient cycles and creating new value chains on a regional level
  • Availability of innovative and sustainable bio-based fertiliser delivery systems (e.g., coatings) for controlled-release (if applicable)
  • Significant contribution to the objectives of the R&I mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’
  • Social acceptance of circular bio-based solutions and products


Fertilisers are critical for the EU agriculture and the current market situation for fossil and mineral fertilisers, together with a general increase of input costs, could have significant impacts on EU farmers and their productivity.

Bio-based fertilisers have the potential to make the food system more sustainable in line with the Farm to Fork objectives and targets but also support the availability and affordability of fertilisers by providing bio-based alternatives to farmers with similar or even improved properties. The recycling of nutrients from nutrient-rich waste and side-streams (such as agricultural by-products and waste, food waste or sewage sludge) also offer great opportunities to diversify and enhance rural incomes.

However, these alternatives need to comply with the requirements laid down in the EU Fertiliser Product Regulation, including the provisions to restrict intentionally added microplastics from 2026 onwards. Polymeric materials and plastic coatings, used to optimise the release properties of fertilisers, remain a significant problem in terms of environmental pollution and risks to human health.

Topic Eligibility and Documents:



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