Demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell-powered inland or short sea shipping

General information


Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)

Budget overview



Type of action


Type of MGA


Open for submission

Deadline model


Opening date

18 January 2024

Deadline date

17 April 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Topic description

Expected Outcome:

To date the shipping industry when compared to country-based emissions is the 6th largest emitter of CO2, with a total yield in the range of 900 million tons of CO2 per year. It was, as well, estimated that without action the global share of shipping’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions may reach 17 % by 2050. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) adopted an initial GHG reduction strategy in 2018 with the revision planned for July 2023. The IMO initially set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 50% in 2050. Upon revision, the goals were enhanced to reach the reduction levels of 20% and striving for 30% by 2030 and 70% and striving for 80% by 2040 when compared to 2008 emissions (50 % of reduction in terms of the expected sector growth). In parallel to this the EU objective of climate neutrality by 2050 will also require innovations in shipping, including the supply and use of sustainable climate neutral marine fuels as well as the associated port, storage and bunkering infrastructures. As ships in short sea shipping have generally an age of 30 years and the average age of inland ships is above 40 years [,] the waterborne transport industry faces the enormous task of implementing urgent actions needed to achieve these goals in time.

To achieve the aforementioned goals, it is important to change the mean of powering vessels, using renewable-based fuels such as hydrogen or its carriers. The consideration of various alternatives is inherent as they entail individual advantages and challenges regarding safety, handling, efficiency, volumetric energy density and cost-efficient storage.

To cope with this endeavour, innovative solutions that offer adequate vessel autonomy while minimising the risks and the challenges pertaining to its storage and transportation are needed. Such solutions should address bunkering, on-board storage, power conversion and propulsion and as well consider, the current industrial standards in manufacturing, transportation, storing and safe handling of hydrogen or the hydrogen carrier involved.

  • Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Reducing GHG and local emissions from waterborne transport in line with prevailing targets;
  • Enabling and facilitate further deployment in hydrogen-powered shipping, ensuring safety underpinned by the necessary onshore norms and regulations (protocols and standards);
  • Developing pertinent technical standards and methods for the validation of hydrogen or its carriers’ equipment and system;
  • Developing a European supply chain and thereby consolidating the European industry’s competitiveness in zero emission waterborne transport;
  • Increasing public awareness and acceptance of hydrogen technologies;
  • Developing the use of hydrogen (and its carriers) for waterborne transport applications according to the pillars hydrogen distribution and Hydrogen End uses of the SRIA of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership;
  • Involving a wider range of stakeholders (e.g., ship designers, ship builders, ship owners, port authorities, classification societies, etc.), to accelerate the transition to zero emission shipping.

Project results are expected to contribute to the following objectives and KPIs of the Clean Hydrogen JU SRIA:

  • In-ship system CAPEX [€/kW]: 2,000 in 2024 and 1,500 in 2030;
  • Expected system lifetime [h]: 40,000 in 2024 and 80,000 in 2030;
  • NOx emissions not exceeding 25 ppm of the exhaust gas stream and 30 mgNOx/MJfuel;


This topic aims at demonstrating, in an operational environment, fuel cell hydrogen based waterborne transport ecosystem, showing the feasibility and benefits of integrating hydrogen and hydrogen carriers into this hard to abate sector. The overarching goal is to address the ability to safely bunker hydrogen (pure or in terms of a hydrogen carrier), to store it on board and to consume it for propulsion in a waterborne environment.


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