Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases


General information


Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)


Innovative Health Initiative JU Call 6 (HORIZON-JU-IHI-2024-06-two-stage)

Type of Action

HORIZON-JU-RIA HORIZON JU Research and Innovation Actions

Type of MGA

HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based [HORIZON-AG]

Open for submission

Deadline Model


Opening Date

16 January 2024

Deadline Dates

16 April 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

10 October 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Topic description

Expected Outcome:

The main outcome of this research collaboration is to better understand why significant advances in technology in recent years have not contributed to widespread improvements in healthcare systems, which still struggle to keep more than 50 % of people on chronic disease treatment for longer than 12 months. The goal is to develop and pilot innovative and multi-stakeholder approaches leveraging social innovation activities and scalable technology to improve the health outcomes of people living with chronic diseases by supporting treatment persistency with a particular focus on diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Persistency is part of drug adherence and is defined as the length of time between starting treatment and the last dose which immediately precedes discontinuation of medication.

Although novel treatments are becoming more available with major improvements in convenience and efficacy, poor persistency to treatment is still a major challenge in the healthcare system. Insights from pilots under this topic will be shared with relevant stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem to improve outcomes for people living with chronic diseases. The pilots should include cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Other chronic diseases may be considered in this collaboration if they contribute to the overall understanding of barriers and opportunities. Moreover, it is not the goal to develop new technologies and/or pharmaceutical drugs during the course of the project, but rather to address how insights and new approaches can be applied in clinical practice and implemented in guidelines and recommendations.

The action under this topic must contribute to all of the following outcomes:

  • map and share insights from existing projects, pilots and datasets to get to a shared understanding of what the barriers and opportunities in the respective healthcare systems are in order to improve persistency and health outcomes for people living with chronic diseases;
  • develop and implement new/revised collaborative models between public and private organisations with the aim of improving persistency and health outcomes;
  • generate clinical and scientific evidence to demonstrate results in order to show the value of these new approaches and technologies;
  • integrate new insights into the treatment regimen in close collaboration with people living with chronic diseases to improve disease outcomes;
  • develop a consistent methodology/framework for measuring persistency using real-world data;
  • develop recommendations and consensus reports with relevant healthcare stakeholders;
  • optimise communication between healthcare systems and patients to improve persistency.


The scope of this topic is to improve treatment persistency among people living with chronic diseases. According to the MEDI-VOICE project funded by the European Commission, non-adherence to medication accounted for approximately 200 000 deaths annually in the European Union, and according to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report from 2003, around 50 % of people living with a chronic disease do not adhere to the prescribed medication. From a recent analysis by Kvarnström et al (2018) [1], the major barriers for adherence to medication range from a lack of disease knowledge by the patient to logistical barriers like availability of medication and price (see list below), ultimately leading to discontinuation of medication.

The major categories of barriers identified are:

  • patient specific, e.g. lack of knowledge, lack of routines, poor health literacy, gender, transition from paediatric to adult care, socioeconomic background;
  • disease specific, e.g. lack of symptoms, lack of improvement, illness fatigue;
  • treatment specific, e.g. side effects, complexity in dosages, inconvenience;
  • healthcare and system specific, e.g., poor communication among stakeholders including e.g. physicians, patients, pharmacies, insurance providers, service providers, policy makers;
  • social and culture specific, e.g. stigmas, religious belief, other alternatives;
  • logistic and finance specific, e.g., price, renewal of prescription.

To address these barriers, this topic is expected to focus on the healthcare- and system-specific categories. The barriers to persistency identified in the list above are strongly interlinked, and in an effort to better understand the healthcare ecosystem in relation to persistency, it is the goal to especially explore the interface between the patient and healthcare providers. It is well-described that a lack of timely and accurate interaction/communication between patient and healthcare provider is key. Patients may lack education about their disease(s) and when support is minimal and there is insufficient patient counselling available, it can leave the patient with unanswered questions which might lead to discontinuation of their medication. In addition, social components, in particular health equalities including stigma and financial barriers, will also be in focus.

In this topic we propose a strong public-private coalition to help define and drive new models for collaboration across the healthcare ecosystem to improve persistency. This is to the benefit of patients as well as healthcare system sustainability by leveraging scalable technology that may hold the key to improving healthcare at the same time as providing it to many more individuals projected to have chronic diseases. A key component to successful implementation will be the patient voice and user experience.

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