Call For Proposals: The role of environmental pollution in non-communicable diseases: air, noise and light and hazardous waste pollution

The role of environmental pollution in non-communicable diseases: air, noise and light and hazardous waste pollution

Topic ID: Environment and health (Two stage – 2024) (HORIZON-HLTH-2024-ENVHLTH-02-two-stage)

Type of action : HORIZON-RIA HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions

Deadline model: two-stage

Opening date: 30 March 2023

Deadline dates ; 19 September 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time

11 April 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

Expected Outcome:

This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several expected impacts of destination 2 ‘Living and working in a health-promoting environment’. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are tailored towards and contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • National and EU authorities apply user-friendly tools to produce and use generated data on the impact of pollutants on health;
  • National and EU authorities benefit from access to robust and transparent indicators for health impact assessment to monitor efficacy of pollution-mitigating actions and policies;
  • Policymakers and other stakeholders, e.g. public authorities such as urban planners, health professionals, employers, civil society organisations and citizens, use developed guidelines to take action to prevent pollution-related illnesses and impairments, and choose healthier lifestyles and behaviours;
  • EU, national and regional authorities receive guidance and recommendations for updates of (1) scientific evidence about health risks caused by environmental pollutants (2) advice on management and mitigation of these health risks and (3) guidance and recommendations for updates of limit values for different classes of pollutants in the environment; these recommendations should take into account vulnerable population groups and people with increased vulnerability because of pre-existing medical conditions;
  • The implementation of the Zero-Pollution Action Plan, the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability and the EU legislation on air quality, noise and waste continue to be supported by a strong evidence-base;
  • Relevant actors in our daily lives, e.g. medical personnel, building engineers, teachers, urban planners etc., have access to information such as training courses on pollution and health impacts


The focus of this topic should be on three areas where the understanding of and evidence on causality should be strengthened to overcome the current paucity of data and respond to calls from policymakers. The applicants should focus on at least one of the following three aspects:

  • Air pollution, especially in the urban environment, taking into account existing evidence, notably the latest WHO air quality guidelines of 2021 and their recommendations on different pollutants[10], including on pollutants of emerging concern, looking at e.g. ultrafine particles and interactions with aeroallergens, black carbon, sand and dust storms and impact on human health;
  • Noise pollution and light pollution impact on human health;
  • Pollution from hazardous waste (e.g. pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, e-waste, plastics (including nano- and microplastics)) in heavily contaminated environments and adverse health outcomes

Kindly Apply;

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