Host: Cognity  Advisory Limted.

Date: 28th Mar., 2023

Time: 10:00am-11:30am

Venue: Zoom


PROF MICHAEL FAGBRODE: Welcome and greeted all Present in the meeting and encourages us all to listen and fully participate in the meeting.

Presentation was Given by :

Dr. Almudena Aguero (MCIN)

Dr Armela Dino-Spain

Minister of Science and Technology


(Dr. Almudena  Aguero (MCIN)

The Role Of National Contact Point In Supporting Participation Horizon Europe Management In Spain

The main Player involve:

Policy Making: Ministry

FP Management in Spain:OE/CDTI

R and I funding: AEI/CDTI/ISCII

Some Tips On The Way

National Contact  Points (NCPS) are support structure that have  become an essential component in the implementation of successive frame programme.

Our National Contact Points Staff

  • Full Time & part time professionals: above 35 people working full time in Madrid and some in Brussels.
  • Independence In Management:  No conflict of interest arising  from participation.
  • Great Experience in international and domestic context.
  • Openness and  Networking
  • Offering Support.

What Do We Do?

  • Providing advice: To participate through the life cycle of proposals.
  • Selective Promotion: Organization of workshop, seminars, Conferences, infoday etc.
  • Training: Organization of specific seminars and courses.
  • Active Information.
  • Other information.



Frame work program

Horizon Europe Online

Annual reception in Brussels.

National and regional infodays.

Useful Tools (National web,Info,News,Event)


The management model of frame work program is spain is centralized in  almost decentralize aareas.

  • PRESENTATION By Dr Armela Dino-Spain

Minister of Science and Technology

Incentivizing Towards Herizon Europe

Introduction to Herizon Europe

“EURO OF EXCELLENCE” and  “ISCIII Health” Promotion Actions Of Excellent

  • The  European council and the different modalities of financed aid constitute one of the most recent  successes of the scientific policy of the European union. This grant are international benchmark of excellence and contribute decisively to the international talent attraction.
  • With the strength Spanish participation in the ERC calls ,”Europe of Excellent “ dynamization  actions,all these proposals that ,having been evaluated very positively by ERC,they were not financed due to lack of budget. EU Excellent contemplates the support of the different modalities of the ERC, priotizing the proposal presented by young researchers ,starting Grants,and those presented the consolidator Grant modality.
  • The “ISCIII Health Excellent” instrument follows this same philosophy,but with two differential characteristics ,since on the one hand the object of the support will be within the scope of national

Health system, while on the other hand it intend to focus, not only on ERC actions,but also in those of the monobeneficiary type of  Maria Sklodowska-Curie Programe.

Community Proposal Leadership Awards

  • The objective of this actions is to encourage and recognize the participation of companies and other entities in European calls through quality proposals that however do not receive fundings.
  • In  this ways, a double incentive effect is pursured:on the one hand , reducing the risk assumed by the entities when getting involved in the preparation of European proposal,and on the other hand, improving the possibilities that good proposals continue their development with a view to new financing oppturnities.
  • One of the method of implementing this activity can be the call for an award with a financial endowment whose amount will be set in an corresponding resolutions calling for a European proposal submitted to program and initiatives in Europe as long as:
  • It has not been selected by the European commission to receive funding.
  • It exceeds the minimum threshod for the score obtained by the proposals in European evalution,defined in the call.
  • It meets the criteria  related to the type participation (coordinator or partner)as defined in the call.

EUROPE RESEARCH” Dynamization Actions”

These grants are intended to promoted and improve Spanish participation in European initiative in science and technology, increasing the number of Spanish coordinators participating in projects from horizon calls.

In particular, the preparation of proposal for R+D+I project in transnational collaboration by Spanish research group will be financed as well as proposals fundamentally addressed to the European research counsel.

CERVERA Project Offices

  • Within the dynamization actions of  horizon Europe,those aimed at improving the competitive position of Spanish companies in European projects and international R+D+I and specifically the incentive and recognition of the participation of new companies in the European calls, especially the programs r&I frame work.
  • It is in the actiies where the need to implement a system that allows these companies to have access to expert,specific support of proven quality fits into place when preparing proposals with possibility of receiving finacing from the future continuation program of H2020,the herizion Europe programe.
  • The ultimate goals of this program  is to raise technology level of Spanish companies in these technology.

Questions Raised in the Meeting

  1. Do all the organizations have each NCPC?
  2. How were you able to harmonized both companies and NCPCS?

By Prof. Ajayi Alabi

  • Spain was able to generate 6% and get 2% return, How will Nigeria raise funds?

Answer :Dr Amela Dino assures Nigeria to benefit from the international funds.

  • Do NCPC have direct link to Horizon Europe?

Answers: Prof Ajayi said , Nigeria is planning to have it own Nigerian Herizon Europe which will make it more easier for NCPC.

Dr Amela Dino encourages Nigeria NCPC to visit and encourage Nigeria Ministers to visit the July Horizon Europe.

Prof Michael explained further by stating that Nigeria is presently at the state of transition of office by the month of May and the NCPC will use that as an advantage to encouraged the incoming ministers.

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