SILEO 2nd Call for SILEO Advanced Technology Uptake Projects


General Information

Opening date

26 August 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

25 October 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

Minimum 3 months – Maximum 6 months

Total funding available

262 500,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Supporting recovery and business transformation of lighting & furniture SMEs for the Europe Industry of Tomorrow

Grant agreement number



SMP-COSME-2021-CLUSTER-01 – Euroclusters for Europe’s recovery

Submission & evaluation process

SME applicants shall submit their application form through the SILEO submission platform before the deadline, 25th October 2024 17:00 CEST.

All the information provided should be complete and valid. After the submission, all the applicants will receive a confirmation email with the registered date and time of the submission.

Applicant SMEs can submit only 1 proposal (as a single SME) under this open call. If more than one proposal is submitted by the same SME applicant, only the last edited proposal which has been submitted will be evaluated. Other proposals will not be eligible.

Applicants must be a manufacturing SME and declare their SME status in accordance with the SME definition of the European Union in the Declaration of Honour – mandatory annex to Application Form.

Only civil applications will be accepted. Project proposal must focus on the development of civil applications and must be limited to them. SILEO will not accept proposals with a military focus.

Submitted applications will be evaluated in a two-step procedure – first eligibility check and then quality evaluation by internal reviewers from the SILEO Open Calls Quality Board (consisting of representatives of SILEO partners) and external experts (having a technical background in advanced technologies and/or digitalisation, and deep knowledge of the lighting/furniture industrial processes, selected by SILEO Consortium).Show less

Further information

Details are available on the SILEO Application portal

and the SILEO ECCP profile

Marta Krakowiak, ELCA European Lighting Cluster Alliance – SILEO Coordinator


Task description

Within the SILEO Eurocluster project, co-funded by the Single Market Programme (SMP/COSME Pillar) of the European Union, we are launching the 2nd Open Call for Advanced Technology Uptake Projects for lighting and furniture SMEs.

The Advanced Technology Uptake Project is the successful implementation, development and/or integration of the new advanced technology(ies) and/or digital solution(s) into the SME business operations to support company resilience and digital and green transformation, executed with the support of the validated technology provider(s).

The main goal of the Call is to leverage the latest innovations, advanced technologies, ideas, and insights to support lighting and furniture SMEs developing strategic products and services, improve their existing processes and methodologies, and uncover new growth opportunities, from the digital and circular viewpoint. But before diving in headfirst, SMEs must test the technology out on a small scale to determine its level of success and growth potential. The SILEO Call offers this chance through financial support (lump sum) for prototyping and/or a pilot application. This SILEO Call for Proposals is a unique opportunity for the EU SMEs to effectively uptake the selected advanced technologies (or digital solutions) into their business through the following activities:

A)Prototyping of new products or services;

B)Pilot application;

C)Prototyping + Pilot application.

An SME can apply only to one of the 3 technology uptake services (A, B or C) described above and offered by the SILEO Open Call for Advanced Technology Uptake Projects.

Under this 2° Open Call, we will select up to 25 projects (= 25 beneficiary SMEs). The final number of projects selected under this 2° Open Call will depend on the overall quality of the proposals and the available budget.

Awarded SMEs will have from three (3) to six (6) months to implement the expert consultancy selected and receive:

Ø Up to € 10.500 per 1 Advanced Technology Uptake Project.

The “project” is understood as the advanced technology uptake activities implemented by Applicant SME together with the technology provider(s) selected from the SILEO Pool of Technology Uptake Facilitators


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