RFCS-2024 Coal Accompanying Measures


General information


Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS)Budget overview


RFCS-2024 (RFCS-2024)

Type of action

RFCS-PJG RFCS Project Grants

Type of MGA

RFCS Action Grant Budget-Based [RFCS-AG]

Open For Submission

Deadline model


Opening date

18 June 2024

Deadline date

24 September 2024 17:00:00 Brussels timeTopic description


Research objectives for coal ( Council Decision 2008/376/EC amended by Council Decision EU 2021/1094 )

Article 4 Supporting the just transition of the coal sector and regions

1. Research projects shall support the transition towards a climate-neutral Union economy by 2050, with the objective of supporting the phasing out of fossil fuels, developing alternative activities on former mine sites and avoiding or addressing the environmental damage from coal mines in the process of closure, formerly operating coal mines and their surroundings. Projects shall in particular focus on:

(a) the development and testing of carbon dioxide capture, use and storage technologies;

(b) the use of geothermal energy on former coal sites;

(c) non-energetic uses and the production of raw materials from mining wastes and residues from formerly operating coal mines or those in the process of closure, while duly ensuring that their climate, environmental and health impact is minimised and lower than alternative solutions;

(d) the repurposing of former coal and lignite mines as well as coal-related infrastructure, including power supply services, in line with a climate-neutral and environmentally friendly transition;

(e) the promotion of the development of efficient reskilling and upskilling programmes for workers affected by a coal phase-out, including research on the training and reskilling of workers employed or previously employed in the coal sector.

2. Special attention shall be given to strengthening European leadership in managing the transition of formerly operating coal mines and coal-related infrastructure through technological and non-technological solutions, while supporting technology and non-technology transfer. Research activities with those objectives shall present tangible climate and environmental benefits in line with the objective of climate neutrality by 2050.

Article 5 Improving health and safety

1. Issues concerning safety in coal mines in the process of closure and formerly operating coal mines with a view to improving working conditions, occupational health and safety, as well as environmental issues deleterious to health, shall be taken into account in the projects covering the activities referred to in Articles 4 and 6.

2. Research projects shall focus on diseases related to mining activities with the aim of improving the health of people living in coal regions in transition. Research projects shall also ensure protective measures during the closure of mines and in formerly operating mines.

Article 6 Minimising the environmental impacts of coal mines in transition

1. Research projects shall seek to minimise the impacts of coal mines in the process of closure and of formerly operating mines on the atmosphere, water and soils. Research shall be geared towards preserving and restoring natural resources for future generations and minimising the environmental impact of coal mines in the process of closure and in formerly operating mines.

2. Preference shall be given to projects that envisage one or more of the following:

(a) new and improved technologies to avoid environmental pollution, including methane leakage, of coal mines in the process of closure, formerly operating mines and their surroundings (including the atmosphere, land, soils and water);

(b) capturing, avoiding and minimising greenhouse gas emissions, in particular methane, from coal deposits in the process of closure;

(c) managing and reusing mining waste, fly ash and desulphurisation products from coal mines in the process of closure and formerly operating coal mines, as well as, where relevant, other forms of waste;

(d) refurbishing waste heaps and using industrially residues from coal production and consumption in coal regions in transition;

(e) protecting water tables and purifying mine drainage water;

(f) restoring the environment of former installations or installations that are in the process of closure that used coal, and their surroundings, in particular water, land, soils and biodiversity;

(g) protecting surface infrastructure against the effects of subsidence and ground movements in the short and long term.



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