General Information

Opening date

31 August 2023

Deadline model

multiple cut-off

Deadline dates

30 September 2023 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

According to the scheme choosen from 6 to 18 months

Total funding available

7 000 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

eurOpean platForm For accEssing nucleaR R&d facilities

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-12 – European facility for nuclear research

Submission & evaluation process

All candidates will have to log in the OFFERR Call platform and comply all OFFERR requirements, submission and evaluation process: more

Further information

The OFFERR project[1] funded by EURATOM announces a call for proposals. The goal is to facilitate international cooperation in nuclear research between European Union (and EURATOM associate Members) research organizations, universities, companies and their partners through financing trans-national access to key nuclear research infrastructures.

The call is open to project proposals within all disciplines and topics of research, development and innovation that are in line with the strategic research and innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP). The project proposals supported by other European associations and organizations acting within EURATOM framework will be also considered.

The beneficiaries are the organizations offering access to experimental infrastructures  to selected project proposals and the research teams that are allowed to use the infrastructures for the work described within the project proposal. The applicants shall agree on the term of references upon submission of their proposals

The researchers applying for the access are expected to liaise with the organization that owns/operate the infrastructure (among those listed in the OFFERR user facility database) and agree on all the logistical and technical aspects of the proposed work. The proposals should be prepared jointly by the visiting team and the visited facility/facilities.

Two types of applications are possible:

·       “fast-track project” to perform studies of limited scope which are to be completed in less than 6 months of access to the infrastructure. This type of project can be awarded a financial support up to 50 kEUR (consult the catalogue of fast-track activities),

·       “complex project” to perform studies with extended scope to be completed in less than a year and a half (18 months). This second type of project can be allocated a financial support   up to 1 MEUR[2].

[1] This project is funded by the Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement n°101060008.

[2] If the cost is above 300 kEUR, the application will not be able to be funded by Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) process and the infrastructure owner will need to join the OFFERR project consortium.

Task description

After each cut-off date, the received applications will follow an eligibility check according to the European commission rules (see eligibility criteria) and then through the evaluation procedure (see evaluation criteria).

The selected project proposals will receive the financial support from the coordinator of the OFFERR project in compliance with the decision made by the consortium based on evaluation results, including SNETP.

OFFERR is funded under Horizon Europe / Euratom call and by consequence it applies UE rules and regulations. Regarding participating countries to OFFERR’s call, candidates must comply with UE rules and be included in the list of participating countries in Horizon Europe. The list can be find here . Countries that are not listed as member of HE or third countries associated to HE can still participate to OFFERR’s call but won’t be able to receive funds. The project will have to explain in its proposal how the research team/facility will be supported by national funds.

Detailed information on the proposal requirements, evaluation criteria as well as reporting of the achievements are contained in the following documents:

·       Terms of reference

·       Eligibility criteria

·       Evaluation criteria

·       User facility database (including the clusters of facilities and the fast-track catalogue)

·       Guidelines for applicants

·       Application template

·       User report template

·       Infrastructure report template


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