Master School and Fellowship Academy Open Call (MS)


General Information

Opening date

25 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

10 October 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

This call is open to proposals with different durations, depending on the type of activities addressed.

Total funding available

1 500 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-EIT-2023-25-KIC-EITURBANMOBILITY – EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2023-2025

Submission & evaluation process

Proposals will be evaluated based on pre-defined evaluation criteria and following the evaluation process described in Section 5 “Evaluation and selection process” of the Call Manual.

The EIT UM submission platform will be available by the end of July.Show more

Further information

More information in the EIT Urban Mobility’s Call webpage

Task description

We are looking for proposals that are aligned and support the key objectives of the EIT Urban Mobility Master School and the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship. Both multi-participant proposals and mono-participant proposals are accepted (see Section 3.5 of the Call Manual for specific requirements).

We welcome proposals for the following types of activities:

MSA1: Summer Schools for Master students

MSA2: New EIT Urban Mobility Master programmes (type 1: double-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes)

MSA3: New universities joining the existing EIT Urban Mobility Master School programmes (type 1: double-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for planning, labelling and reviewing degree programmes)

MSA4: I&E Master programmes that join the EIT Urban Mobility I&E Fellowship (type 2: single-degree Master programmes based on the EIT Label Handbook for Fellowships)

MSA5: Summer Schools for Bachelor students

MSA6: Other educational activities that contribute to achieving our KPIs and financial sustainability

For More Information:

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