Green at Heart Project – Call for Proposals: Financial Support for Social Economy SMEs

Green at Heart

General Information

Opening date

26 August 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

27 October 2024 23:59 (Brussels time)


Expected duration of participation

SME applicants must complete the project activities within 8 months maximum

Total funding available

500 000,00 €

Project acronym

Green at Heart

Full name of the EU funded project

Green at Heart: putting the green economy at the core of social startups and SMEs through scalable practices and circular economy scans.

Grant agreement number



SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01 – Greening SMEs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation

Submission & evaluation process

The Green at Heart project supports socially-focused SMEs in the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain in developing sustainability roadmaps. Funded by the EU, the project runs from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025.

Call Overview: This call invites socially-focused SMEs in the Netherlands, Austria, and Spain to submit sustainability action plans based on recommendations from the Go Sustainable or CTI tools. The top 60 proposals will receive €8,000 in funding to implement their plans. An additional €667 will be granted to SMEs attending the Vienna bootcamp to cover travel and accommodation costs.

Eligible Activities:

  1. Sustainable innovation in products, services, and processes
  2. Adaptation to environmental legislation
  3. Capacity building for sustainability-driven management
  4. Consultancy, coaching, and mentoring for sustainability goals

Key Dates:

  1. Call opens: 26 August 2024
  2. Submission deadline: 27 October 2024

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Must be a socially-focused SME based in the Netherlands, Austria, or Spain
  2. At least one year of operational data
  3. Must meet the EU definition of an SME

Application Procedure:

Submit your application through the Green at Heart Submission Service by 27 October 2024. The application must include a project description, relevance, implementation plan, impact assessment, and budget.

For more details of the program and to apply, visit Impact Hub Amsterdam.


Proposals will be evaluated based on project description, relevance, implementation plan, impact, and budget. Selected SMEs will sign a Sub-Grant Agreement and receive a 60% pre-financing, with the balance paid upon project completion.


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