Global Health EDCTP3 JU and contributing partners funded Strategic Training Hubs for Fellowships in Public Health covering Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Modelling


General information
Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-02-two-stage (HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-02-two-stage)
Type of action
HORIZON-JU-CSA HORIZON JU Coordination and Support Actions
Type of MGA
Deadline model
Planned opening date
30 January 2025
Deadline dates
20 March 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
02 September 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time
Topic description
Expected Impact:
Expected Impact

The actions funded under this topic should contribute to increased international cooperation amongresearchers and funders, catalyse research synergies, and leverage resources and investments in order to achieve the establishment of an African cohort of epidemiologists, biostatisticians, mathematical modellers by supporting institutions in sub-Saharan Africa and Europe that provide Master’s training in epidemiology and biostatistics or those that process public health data with advanced quantitative methods to inform policy, as part of the Africa CDC’s framework for public health workforce development. Proposals are expected to include the effective in-kind and/or financial contribution of contributing partners, in order toproduce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the impact of the related research activities.

Applicant consortium

The contributions from contributing partners should correspond to the amounts they have committed in the letter of endorsement requesting to become a contributing partner (Article 9 Council Regulation (EU) 2021/2085). Their contributions can consist of financial contributions and/or in-kind contributions. Applicant contributing partners must submit the endorsement letter for approval by the Global Health EDCTP3 Governing Board before the deadline for submission of the second-stage applications. It is recommended that the draft letter is submitted to the Global Health EDCTP3 Programme Office sufficiently ahead of deadline for submission of proposals to allow the review[1].

In case of in-kind contribution (even combined with financial contribution), contributing partners become a part of the applicant consortium and participate in the project, as appropriate i.e. as beneficiaries orAffiliated entities in the meaning of Article 8 of the Horizon Europe model grant agreement.

[1] The Global Health Programme Office will ask the applicant contributing partner to revise the letter in case it significantly departs from the template letter published on the Global Health EDCTP3 JU website or is missing any compulsory elements. The preliminary assessment by the Programme Office does not consider the merits of the application. The final decision as to acceptance or rejection of a new contributing partner rests with the Global Health EDCTP3 JU Governing Board

Expected Outcome:

Capacity building and strengthening of the research environment is at the core of Global Health EDCTP3 objectives and in line with the implementation of the EU Global Health Strategy’s Guiding Principles 6 and 7 to “address workforce imbalances and foster skills” and “strengthen capacities for prevention, preparedness and response and early detection of health threats globally”.

The Africa CDC Framework for Public Health Workforce Development 2020-2025 aims to strengthen the capacity of 1) field epidemiologists, 2) laboratory leadership and medical laboratory training, 3) public health informatics, as well as 4) specific knowledge and skills such as surveillance, AMR monitoring and management, laboratory quality assurance as well as surveillance and response. The 2023-2027 Africa CDC Strategic Plan stresses the acute shortage of critical public health workforce with only 1 900 field epidemiologists out of the 6 000 required and only 5 000 of the needed 25 000 frontline epidemiologists.

Following a pilot collaboration with Africa CDC for a joint fellowship call under EDCTP2, the Global Health EDCTP3 is proposing to renew the joint call for fellowships [1]. After taking stock of the lessons learnt from the first programme, a funders partnership will support a joint call, i) to increase the number of fellows trained and ii) to expand the breadth of skills offered and diversity hosting institutions involved. Thisrenewed joint call will include epidemiology and biostatistics and infectious disease modelling.

Expected Outcome

Proposals submitted under this topic should aim for delivering results that contribute to at least three of the following expected outcomes:

Increase the number of public experts: skilled epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and infectious diseases modellers in SSA;
Promote the career development and retention of skilled personnel in SSA;
Strengthen SSA countries clinical human capital base in R&I;
Enhance talent retention, knowledge circulation and uptake across the research and innovation landscape in SSA;
Establish sustainable and mutually beneficial collaboration between national public health institutes, clinical research organisations and academia across SSA and Europe.
[1] Cooperation is based on the “Working Arrangement between the Africa CDC and the European Commission” signed in March 2024 and is foreseen to be further developed within a framework collaboration agreement between the Global Health EDCTP3JU and Africa CDC (currently under preparation).


The objective of this topic is to establish an African cohort of epidemiologists, biostatisticians, mathematical modellers by supporting institutions in SSA and Europe that provide Master’s training in epidemiology and biostatistics or those that process public health data with advanced quantitative methods to inform policy, as part of the Africa CDC’s framework for public health workforce development.

The Master’s degree courses with practical field research experience must be robust and of the level oftraining for the epidemiology and biostatistics that is delivered within reasonable time for the required numbers and high-quality fit-for purpose personnel urgently needed in zones of outbreak/epidemic risks in SSA. Early- to mid-career researchers or data scientists (or similar) are the targeted level of training for the infectious disease modelling.

Proposals must demonstrate all of the following:

A high-quality training programme as
1/ Master’s training in Epidemiology and/or Biostatistics (broader Master’s in public health majoring in epidemiology or biostatistics are also applicable);
or 2/ specific training courses/seminars/workshops infectious disease mathematical modelling;
The Master’s programme must include a research and development component aligned with the scope of the Global Health EDCTP3 JU and must be conducted in a country in SSA;
An open, fair and transparent procedure for selecting the fellows coming from different geographical regions of SSA, based on quality and with appropriate gender balance;
Robust mentorship and supervision mechanisms to support fellows through to timely successful course completion;
The applicant must be an organisation with an established legal entity in SSA (the applicant legal entity);
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of institutions which must provide above mentioned trainings for up to 50 early- to mid-career researchers per consortium;
Proposals should provide details on the methodology for linking clinical research aspects with the translation into healthcare practice and policy;
The requested Global Health EDCTP3 JU contribution per action shall not exceed EUR 1,25 million.
The fellow must:

Be resident of or be willing to relocate to a sub-Saharan African country, member of the EDCTP Association;
Not have been funded under a similar previous EDCTP or Global Health EDCTP3 fellowship scheme before.
In addition:

1/ For the Master’s degree training:

Proposals should include institutions with a proven track record in the provision of high-quality Master’s training with clear local and regional collaborations with National Public Health Institutes- NPHIs (or similar agencies), Ministries of Health and other academic institutions;
The maximum fellowship duration shall be 24 months;
Fellows for the Master training must be employed or have guaranteed employment by the applicant legal entity (the host organisation) where they intend to remain working for a minimum of two years after the expiration of the grant, therefore, applying trainees must provide evidence to demonstrate this through a letter of support from their home institution.
2/ For proposals with modelling training:

Contributing partners, via the Global Health EDCTP3, will provide funding on modelling training, meeting the need for modellers to strengthen NPHIs core functions. The funding will support comprehensive short term training programmes, workshops and/or seminars to interested specialists to empower Africa-based researchers with relevant skills to conduct infectious disease modelling and enhance capacity to respond effectively to outbreaks and pandemics. Supported institutions will offer:

Modelling training focusing on infectious diseases modelling;
Workshops or seminars considering different skill levels of trainees to cover key aspects of infectious disease modelling, including but not limited to:
i. Mathematical and statistical modelling techniques;
ii. Scenario planning and model forecasting;
iii. Integration of modelling output into public health policy and response strategies.
Provide mentorship and support to facilitate the application of acquired skills in real world settings for key LMIC implementors.
Proposals submitted against this topic are expected to leverage financial and/or in-kind contribution from contributing partners. Proposals should define the activities of their project in its entirety, including details of the component(s) for which Global Health EDCTP3 JU funding is requested and the component(s) that are to be financed by contributing partners introduced by the applicant consortium.

In addition to these contributions leveraged by the applicants, Global Health EDCTP3 JU may involve other contributing partners that have expressed interest in supporting this topic with cash or in-kind contribution.

Proposals should describe how participating organisations are expected or plan to have access to large databases that will enable future fellows to work on and with robust data. Proposals are encouraged to include the use of Artificial Intelligence in the training when relevant.

FAIR data principles and open access of publications are required in line with the Model Grant Agreement [1].

Proposals should include consortia with strong representation from institutions and researchers across sub- Saharan African countries, demonstrating a broad regional distribution in the SSA region, including involvement of new institutions and Franco/Lusophone countries, and considering previous EDCTP 1 and 2 investments and current EDCTP3 call. Applicants are also reminded of the expectation of reaching out to organisations in countries with high burden of disease with relatively lower research capacities, for which appropriate funding allocations should be proposed. Collaboration with other international research groups with relevant experience and participation in networking and joint activities, as relevant, is strongly encouraged.

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