FUTURAL Open Call for co-creating Smart Solutions (SS) with rural communities


General Information

Opening date

28 June 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

30 September 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

The implementation of FUTURAL Open Call sub-projects will last for 12 months and it will be divided into 3 phases: Phase 1 – Design (M1-M4), Phase 2 – Development (M5-M9), Phase 3 – Validation (M10 – M12) .

Total funding available

1 200 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Empowering the future through innovative smart solutions for rural areas.

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL6-2022-COMMUNITIES-02-01-two-stage – Smart solutions for smart rural communities: empowering rural communities and smart villages to innovate for societal change

Submission & evaluation process


FUTURAL’s Open Call for proposals will be submitted digitally through the Open Call Hub platform https://opencallhub.eu/. All the documents needed for the application (FUTURAL Open Call Kit) can be found on the FUTURAL website, on the section dedicated to the Open Calls (https://futural-project.eu/futural-open-call/). Interested Applicants should visit the FUTURAL website (https://futural-project.eu/futural-open-call/) for any updates and the FAQ section available in the Open Call Hub platform https://opencallhub.eu/.      

Submissions received through any other channel will be automatically discarded. 

Documents required in subsequent phases will be submitted via dedicated channels (e.g. via email or via the Open Call Hub), which will be indicated by the FUTURAL consortium in the contracting phase. 

In case multiple versions of the same application are submitted, only the last version will be evaluated. All the previous ones will be discarded.

Throughout the entire process, the confidentiality of applicants’ identities and the contents of the proposals will be rigorously upheld. Any details pertaining to the proposed solution will be handled with the utmost discretion.

By applying to FUTURAL Open Call consortia automatically accept the terms and conditions of the Open Call as described in the Open Call Kit.


After the FUTURAL Open Call is closed, an eligibility check process will be carried out by the FUTURAL Advisory Board to discard non-eligible applications. Following the eligibility check, a remote evaluation will be done by carefully selected external reviewers. Each proposal will be reviewed by two (2) external evaluators with specific technical and/or business expertise related to the topics of the call. The evaluators will have to evaluate each proposal under the specific evaluation criteria: i. Concept and feasibility, ii. Technology readiness and innovation development, iii. Impact & Exploitation, iv. Organisational capacity and sufficiency in the team’s background.

All award criteria have the same weight. Each award criterion can be scored from 1 to 5 with a threshold of 3 points in each category, and a minimum of 12 points in total.

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