EIT Manufacturing’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship – Master & Doctoral Schools Call for Proposals 2025

EITM BP 2023-2025

General Information

Opening date

07 May 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

08 July 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

12 Months

Total funding available

560 000,00 €

Project acronym

EITM BP 2023-2025

Full name of the EU funded project

EIT Manufacturing Business Plan 2023-2025

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-EIT-2023-25-KIC-EITMANUFACTURING – EIT Manufacturing Business Plan 2023-2025

Submission & evaluation process

The applicants can submit a proposal through the following website: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/call-for-proposals-2025/

The submitted proposals will be checked against the eligibility and admissibility criteria. Admissible and eligible proposals will be evaluated by independent external experts to assess the proposal according to the criteria.

For further information see the Guide of Applicants available at: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/calls/call-for-proposals-2025/Show less

Further information

For further information about EIT Manufacturing please visit the following website: https://www.eitmanufacturing.eu/what-we-do/ 

Email address for questions and helpdesk: education@eitmanufacturing.eu

Task description

EIT Manufacturing is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, and it is one of eight innovation communities within EIT.

EIT Manufacturing’s main goal is to bring European stakeholders focused on manufacturing together in innovation ecosystems that add unique value to European products, processes, and services and inspire the creation of globally competitive and sustainable manufacturing.

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Call covers activities related to Master and Doctoral School, to develop the following programmes for students and professionals:

  1. Summer School 2025 for EIT Manufacturing Master School
  2. Doctoral I&E programme 2025

The focus for 2025 is to scale up the results of the Master and Doctoral School activities multiplying the impact of the same through commercialization and distribution within a wide number of learners.


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