DIGITWIN4CIUE project-Scholarships for the Executive Master in Digital Twins on Infrastructures and cities


General Information

Opening date

02 August 2024

Deadline model

multiple cut-off

Deadline dates

31 October 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

15 months

Total funding available

438 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project


Grant agreement number



DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01-SPECIALISED – Specialised education programmes in key capacity areas

Submission & evaluation process


DIGITWIN4CIUE is a project aligned with the Digital programme, and the project aimed to retain and attract to the EU the best talents worldwide. Therefore, it is soliciting applications for scholarships dedicated only for facilitating the physical mobility to follow the courses with physical attendance to the three on-site events organized during the course. The intention of this scholarship is to benefit students from the project’s high-quality education in digital areas and promote equality in the field of digital twins for infrastructures and cities. Everyone is welcome to apply regardless of their personal situation, but gender equality and socioeconomic status are also factors to receiving this scholarship.

The scholarship is destined to promote mobility of the students in the master and are offered in the form of a discount in the fee. The scholarships for the eligible students of the master program have a fixed amount of EUR 2,000 per student. This amount shall be used by the students of the master (or the sponsoring entities) to partially cover the traveling and accommodation costs of the students to attend to the onsite events of the master program.


Those interested must read the requirements below and fill in the online form available on the BME-e-platform Course: Digital Twins for Complex Infrastructures and Urban Ecosystems 2024 (bme.hu)

Candidates will be required to complete four forms to evaluate their background. Among other information, candidates will be required to upload the following documentation:

  1. Accredited degree certificate (Diploma) or proof of having applied for certificate. Additionally, graduates from an University outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA, click here to see the members of the EHEA), are required to submit duly legalized university degree certificate before December of the academic year. This certificate can be obtained as follows:
  2. By means of the Hague Convention Apostille if the graduate comes from signatory countries of the Apostille of the Hague (click here for the signatory countries). In this case, the authorities of the certificate-issuing country accredit that it is a valid degree certificate and has been issued by the competent authority.
  3. By a legal stamp of the Embassies and Consulates of Spain in the country of issue, for graduates from non-signatory countries of the Apostille of the Hague. In this case, the diploma and records can be legalized by the stamp of the Embassies and Consulates of Spain in the country of issue of your diploma that certifies it is an official university degree. For more information look at the question “Legalization of foreign documents abroad via diplomatic channels” in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ web (click here to enter the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ web).
  4. Transcript of university academic records and diplomas, translated to English, French or Spanish.
  5. Proof of English language skills (TOEFL, IELTS or similar, taken in the last 2 years), or alternatively a written statement proving that the candidate meets the required English level. The language skills may be evaluated lately in a personal interview with candidates. and a personal interview.
  6. Curriculum Vitae in English.
  7. Copy of official identification (national ID or passport)
  8. A short video in English of 3 minutes max, summarizing your interest in the master. Alternatively, a document summarizing your motivation to participate in the master program.

Principal requirements for applicants

The scholarship will only be granted to individuals or entities that do not fall under the list of entities subject to EU restrictive measures under Article 29 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 215 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU)14 and entities covered by Commission Guidelines No 2013/C 205/05, and that have already been admitted (or are sponsoring an admitted candidate) to the Executive Master in Digital Twins for Infrastructures and cities master’s program. This means that to be considered for the scholarship applicants will meet the following requirements:

1.Have applied to the master through the Apply section Digital Twins for Complex Infrastructures and Urban Ecosystems – Digital Twins – Infrastructures & Cities (digitwin4ciue.eu) and:

  1. Have the availability to attend to the online live sessions and to the three workshops that will be held in November, February and June/July.
  2. Hold a bachelor’s degree of at least 240 ECTS issued by a recognized University in the field of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Engineering, or Architecture, or any similar technical degree. Alternatively, candidates holding a bachelor’s degree of 180 ECTS of similar nature will be eligible with a previous working experience of at least 2 years in any field of the built environment.
  3. Previous working experience is not required (save for candidates holding a BSc of 180 ECTS) but will be valued for the acceptance committee. A minimum of 3 years’ experience is preferred.
  4. Have English language skills equivalent to a minimum of IELTS 6.5 with 5.5 in each subtest, or TOEFL 80 or any other test or evidence to accredit an English level of at least B2
  5. Should have basic skills in any programming language. Otherwise, they will be required to attend to free programming courses before the start of the master
  6. Accept that the net amount of the tuition fee includes the EUR2,000 scholarship as a discount.

Selection criteria

Academic merit will be the predominant factor in deciding who gets the scholarship. In case of receiving more than 200 applications per year, the committee has agreed a set of guidelines with the configured on the following main eligibility criteria:

  1. Priority will be given to students from the EU and associated countries to the DEP.
  2. Contribute to promoting diversity in terms of gender, age and geographical distribution.
  3. Contribute to promoting the access to the master of students of lower income.
  4. Contribute to promoting the training of professionals of SMEs and entrepreneurs.

Payment arrangements

The scholarship is reflected as a discount in the tuition fee. The candidates are informed of the net amount of the tuition fee, after deducting the applicable amount of the scholarship. The webpage clearly indicates that the tuition fees are inclusive of a scholarship of EUR2,000 which is co-funded by the EU Digital Europe Programme, under the project DIGITWIN4CIUE.


  1. The total budget for edition 2023-2024 is EUR 38,000, with a maximum amount per scholarship of EUR 2,000.
  2. The total budget for the edition 2024-2025 is EUR 400,000€, €, with a maximum amount per scholarship of EUR 2,000.

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Further information

The DIGITWIN4CIUE project is part of the Digital Europe Programme, and it is aligned with the European Union initiative of accelerating the digital transformation of society and economy, promoting advanced digital skills, and ensuring that digital technologies are widely accessible and used across Europe. The primary objective of the project is to foster digital transformation across the civil engineering and construction sectors in Europe. This will be achieved through two main activities, the launch of an Executive Master in Digital Twins for Infrastructures & Cities, which has successfully started in October 2023; and the creation of a Center of Excellence (CoE) in Digital Twins for Civil Infrastructures & Cities (CoE). In this regard, the consortium has reinforced the network industry-Academia and has initiated the procedure to stablish the CoE, facing the difficulties of having public HEIs as part of a new legal form. Thus, this second goal is still ongoing, but the consortium is on determining appropriate procedures to ensure that project objectives and milestones are met.

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