DALIA Rivers Revived – Open Call for Associated Regions


General Information

Opening date

18 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

16 October 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

Call: 3 months (due to summer break period) Call execution: 2 years

Total funding available

1 000 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-MISS-2021-OCEAN-02-02 – Danube river basin lighthouse – restoration of fresh and transitional water ecosystems

Submission & evaluation process

The DALIA Open Call will be open to Local and/or Regional Authorities according to the Horizon Europe topic call text. Applicants may apply as one single organisation or as a team of up to 3 partner organisations from one or multiple eligible countries. All applicants need to be local/regional authorities.

DALIA open call will have two evaluation periods:

1.Remote evaluation and

2.Online-interview and scores consolidation.

DALIA expects to fund up to 10 projects from at least 5 different regions. The total amount of financial support to third parties allocated by the coordinator is 1,000,000 EUR.

The maximum amount of financial support to each third party will be limited to 100,000 EUR. DALIA funding is results-driven, provided in a lump sum way.Show less

Further information

DALIA’s Open Call presents a unique opportunity for Associated Regions to participate in groundbreaking initiatives aimed at environmental, societal, and economic transformation. The Call aligns with DALIA’s primary objectives, focusing on two key aspects: knowledge transfer and solution scalability of solutions for the Danube River catchment. All information on the call is available at the following links: https://dalia-danube.eu/, https://kms.dalia-danube.eu/

Task description

The DALIA Open Call aims to transfer the knowledge from DALIA pilot regions (DPs) into new pilot regions with similar conditions, by engaging local and regional authorities to select one of the DPSs regions and replicate it thus demonstrating the transferability, feasibility, and scalability of such solutions for the Danube river.

The expected outcomes of DALIA’s Open Call encompass a wide array of actions, aimed at enhancing water management and adaptation measures. Through validated concepts for new monitoring approaches, early-warning systems will be strengthened, ensuring proactive responses to water-related challenges. Innovative modeling, leveraging machine learning and neural networks, will enable comprehensive analysis of fate and transport across varying temporal and spatial scales in soil, sediment, and water, fostering more informed decision-making processes. Additionally, the monitoring of sediment flow will be optimized through diverse methods, enhancing our understanding of suspended sediment dynamics and sediment transport mechanisms.

The Open Call also aims to drive the expansion of reuse cases in drought-affected areas through the adoption of novel nature-based solutions technologies, contributing to greater resilience in water management. Moreover, it seeks to promote the increased use of Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) principles for sustainable water management and climate change adaptation, fostering collaboration among researchers, water management professionals, decision-makers, and the broader public, thereby fostering a more integrated and holistic approach to managing water resources.


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