aerOS Open Call #2


General Information

Opening date

25 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

30 September 2024 18:00 (Brussels time)


Expected duration of participation

8 months

Total funding available

480 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Autonomous, scalablE, tRustworthy, intelligent European meta Operating System for the IoT edge-cloud continuum

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01-05 – Future European platforms for the Edge: Meta Operating Systems (RIA)

Submission & evaluation process

The submission of proposals will be managed through a dual-channel procedure after proper registry per applicant. The procedure is divided in three steps that are explained here below:

(1)The applicant must fulfil an online form with data relative to the proposal, at this URL: . The form includes several fields that will correspond to the information that needs to be analysed for eligibility and for evaluation of the proposal:

i.Informative boxes including: entity name, entity type, person registering the application, PIC of the entity, country and website.

ii.Declarative fields: Key information of the proposal: name, acronym, abstract, keywords, pilot and challenge targeted.

iii.Statistical data boxes

iv.Excellence boxes (limited characters different in each box):

i.   Innovative idea and relation with aerOS technology

ii.    Expected results

iii.    Previous background, IP and departing solution

v.Impact boxes (limited characters different in each box):

i.    Adoption impact in aerOS uptake/upscale

ii.    Scientific outreach and expected KPIs

iii.    Exploitation and commercialization plan

vi.Implementation boxes (limited characters different in each box):

i.    Workplan explanation: WPs, tasks and deliverables

ii.    Technologies, methodologies, milestones and control of the advance

vii.Team boxes (limited characters different in each box):

i.    The Company

ii.    The Team

viii.Ethics and GDPR Compliance(a check box).: The form complies with all GDPR and ethical provisions as well as with aerOS procedures defined in deliverable D2.3 of the project. Informed consent and other legal details to ensure compliance with applicable regulations are included, designed in a secure way and including contact emails for addressing with any concern.

(2)Employing the user and password data generated out of the form above (using the associated submission number), the applicant can Upload a Document via the URL: . Here, a PDF composed of only one page with maximum of 3 diagrams (including Gantt chart) will be admitted.

Received proposals will be evaluated and will be given a score upon which will be accepted or rejected to receive funding. The procedure will be crystal-clear, compliant with aerOS commitments to the European Commission. The process will be as follows:

·All proposals will be pre-screened by a selected group of aerOS members to check eligibility and minimum quality compliance based on the criteria exposed in 2.1.

·A selected Expert Evaluation team will be selected per each proposal. This team will be composed of two external experts (with experience in the related fields) and an observer to guarantee impartiality. The selected experts will sign a declaration of confidentiality concerning the evaluation process and the content of the proposals they evaluate. They will also declare their absence of any conflict of interest for the assigned tasks.

·Every expert (two per proposal) will give a score (using a specific form) to each of the evaluation criteria (see the image at the right). The evaluation will need to be based on: i) Relevance to aerOS (min. 3 out of 5); (ii) Impact and sustainability (min 4 out of 5); (iii) Technical excellence (min 4 out of 5); (iv) Quality of implementation (min4 out of 5) (v) Quality of the team (min. 4 out of 5), and 19 as a global threshold over 25.

·Afterwards, the two evaluators will meet (selected group of aerOS members will be present) and will reach a consensus evaluation on the quality of each proposal. The result of that agreement (comments and scores) will be reflected on the Evaluation Summary Report (ESR), which will be agreed by both.

·ESRs will be ranked and will go through a final evaluation by a committee formed by PCC (Project Coordination Committee) members of aerOS and two external observers to guarantee impartiality. Applying criteria here will be:

o(For the 2nd Open Call): Priority to SMEs that can more easily transfer the technologies into the market. In case of ties, SMEs will be preferred.

o(For the 2nd Open Call): Balance on sectors. Preference will be given for a more distributed selection of proposals. However, this criterion may be disregarded if the difference in quality of proposals is justified. The Committee to be established with aerOS picked partners and the external observers will agree on the final list of proposals to be funded.

oAdequacy to aerOS goals and technology stack.

oRanking stands: In case of applications receiving an equal score the criteria will be marks in criteria 1, criteria 3, criteria 4, criteria 2 and criteria 5.

·Notifications on funding or rejections will be sent out to applicants, together with any feedback, by November, 15th, 2024. Slight delays might be experienced.

Once the Open Call evaluation is finalised, representatives of the selected proposals will be invited to sign a Collaboration Agreement (final version included in the application package) with UPV to become third party. During the Collaboration Agreement signing process, the selected applicants will have to provide all relevant documentation concerning their legal and financial status (including providing PIC – Participant Identification Code), as well as any amendments in their technical proposals according to the comments received by the evaluators during the evaluation process, if applicable


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