Erasmus Charter for Higher Education


General information


Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+) 

Work programme part

ERASMUS-2022 Budget overview


Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2022 (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-ECHE-CERT)

Work programme year


Type of action


Type of MGA


Open For Submission

Deadline model

multiple cut-off

Opening date

23 February 2022

Deadline dates

03 May 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time

26 January 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time

25 January 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time

28 January 2025 17:00:00 Brussels time

27 January 2026 17:00:00 Brussels time

26 January 2027 17:00:00 Brussels timeTopic description


This Call aims at accrediting recognised Higher Education Institutions located in eligible countries, which have operational capacity to take part in Erasmus+ Programme’s activities, such as learning mobility of individuals and/or cooperation for innovation and good practices.

There is only ONE TOPIC. NO LIGHT PROCEDURE any longer. Therefore ALL PARTS of the APPLICATION FORM PART B should be filled in.

HEIs should indicate their Erasmus code in their application, if they already have one, and use their existing PIC. OIDs cannot be used!

Eligible applicants

In order to be eligible, the applicant must:

  • be a higher education institution (HEI) (public or private) and
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e. Erasmus+ Programme Countries:
    • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) and
    • non-EU countries:
      • listed EEA (European Economic Area) countries and countries associated to the Erasmus+ Programme (associated countries) or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature
      • Western Balkans third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ Programme: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo (This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence) and Montenegro.

Deadline for the submission of applications and indicative date for selection results

Please check the call document for yearly deadlines.

The indicative date of the publication of selection results for applications submitted in 2022 is October 2022. As from 2023, results will be published in July each year.

An Evaluation Committee will evaluate the applications against admissibility, eligibility and award criteria.Show lessTopic updates

01 July 2024


Deadline: 25.01.2024

The results of the evaluation are as follows:

Number of proposals submitted431
Number of inadmissible proposals8
Number of ineligible proposals43
Number of above-threshold proposals289
Number of below threshold proposals71

We recently informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals.

The list of Higher education institutions holding an ECHE – 2021-2027 is available here

27 February 2024


Call ERASMUS-EDU-2022-ECHE-CERT, the third cut off closed on the 25/01/2024 17:00.

431 proposals have been submitted.

Evaluation results are expected to be communicated at the end of June 2024.Show moreTopic conditions and documents

1.   Eligible countries: as described in the Call document

2.   Eligibility and admissibility conditions: as described in the Call document.

Proposal page limits and layout: Please refer to Part B of the standard proposal template.

 Applications are limited to maximum 25 pages (Part B). Evaluators will not consider any additional pages.

3.   Evaluation

Evaluation criteria, scoring, threshold and process are described in the Call document.

4.   Indicative timetable for evaluation and grant agreement: as described in the Call document.

Publication of the call:                                         February, 22 2022

Deadline for submitting applications:                  January 26 2023 17:00 (Brussels Time)

Evaluation period:                                                February- June 2023

Information to applicants:                                     July 2023

5.   Proposal templates, guidance and model grant agreements (MGA):

  Standard proposal template

The application template should be downloaded from the submission service. The template available here is for information purposes only. 

  Call documentShow more

Start submissionNeed help?

To access the Electronic Submission Service, please click on the submission-button next to the type of action and the type of model grant agreement that corresponds to your proposal. You will then be asked to confirm your choice, as it cannot be changed in the submission system. Upon confirmation, you will be linked to the correct entry point.

To access existing draft proposals for this topic, please login to the Funding & Tenders Portal and select the My Proposals page of the My Area section.

Please select the type of your submission:


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