STARHAUS Open Call on Open Innovation and Creativity | #1 – VISION


General Information

Opening date

01 August 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

11 August 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

3 to 6 months

Total funding available

100 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Sustainable, Technological, Accessible and Resilient human-centric manufacturing supporting the New European Bauhaus through synergies between customized production and consumption models

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-53 – Localised and Urban Manufacturing, supporting creativity and the New European Bauhaus (RIA using FSTP)

Submission & evaluation process


Proposals to STARHAUS #1 OIC | VISION must be submitted electronically via The Proposal Template (Technical Annex) and the Guidelines for Applicants for submitting proposals for the 1st Open Call for Open Innovation and Creativity are available on the project website:

Deadline Extension: The deadline for submitting proposals is 11 August 2024 at 17:00 (CET).


An initial eligibility verification will be done to filter out and discard non-eligible proposals.

Eligible proposals are evaluated against criteria of degree of innovation, technical approach, research, creative and business capacities and cost-benefit. Each criterion will be scored between 0 (not relevant) and 5 (Excellent). The final score on each criterion will be given by the average of the scores and the threshold for individual criteria will be three (3).

Applications will be ranked by use-cases and the application with the highest score in each of the use-cases will be selected.Show less

Further information

The project has 100 000 EUR to provide support to at least 2 SMEs that will be working side-by-side with the STARHAUS partners to produce relevant requirements and specifications for project activities, willing to contribute to research challenges of decentralised manufacturing processes and to support the validation of the proposed solutions within the project use-cases: 1) Pet Food, 2) Fertilizers, 3) Beverage and 4) Breakfast Cereals.

The exact number of proposals approved will be decided based on the overall budget requested by the applicants and the overall sum available per call. Yet, the aim is to select at least 2 Experiments.

Task description

The 1st Open Call will focus on understanding how to change mindset of the target communities toward sustainable consumption through on-field user research and to identify the target community requirements as well as the possible barriers and resistance to introduce transformations and innovation opportunities.

Activities to be funded within the 1st Open Call should include:

1.On-field user research with target communities (e.g., municipalities, consumer groups, local associations, schools etc.) for the definition of the community requirements.

2. Experimentation of awareness process with innovative techniques, involving artistic competences, addressed to the target communities towards sustainable consumption.


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