General Information

Opening date

03 August 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

30 September 2024 19:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

Implementation within 6 months after signature of a sub-grantee agreement

Total funding available

300 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Post Quantum Cryptography Framework for Energy Aware Contexts

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL3-2022-CS-01-03 – Transition towards Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

Submission & evaluation process

The submission will happen through the official online submission platform, which is directly linked to the PQ-REACT website: https://pqreact.eu/open-call/. Only applications received directly through the online submission platform will be considered eligible.

The submission process is supported by the following documents:

Guidelines for applicants: all the information you need to know before applying.  

Online Application Form: completed via Sploro platform and divided in six sections (1) Legal and Contact Information of the applicants (2) Project description (3) Technical Excellence section (4) Impact (5) Implementation (6) Communication (7) Dissemination (8) Privacy policy (9) Declaration of Honour (10) Other. 

The evaluation process consists of four phases: 

  1. Eligibility check: A semi-automatic filter will consider 9 criteria that all applicants must comply with to be eligible. 
  2. Alignment evaluation: Applicants must ensure their proposals align with the objectives of the chosen Use Case. 
  3. Experts’ remote evaluation: Applications will be assessed by independent external expert evaluators with an entrepreneurial, investment or innovation background. Two evaluators, one with technical and another one with commercial business background, will assess the proposals based on 3 different evaluation criteria (Technical Excellence, Impact and Implementation).   
  4. Score normalisation: This method ensures a more balanced distribution of scores and reduces the possibility of biases and distortions. At the event that a divergence greater of 20% persists, the two evaluators will hold a consensus meeting. 

Final Selection: All proposals are ranked based on their remote evaluation scores. In the event of a tie, a series of rules will be followed that will make it possible to reach a tiebreaker.  

Prior to contracting the top ranked applicants, the consortium will seek the approval of the European Commission, and the list of selected projects will be submitted to EC for final screening. 

For more detailed information, please consult the Guidelines of the call. 

For any question about the process there is a general email address available at applications@pqreact.eu  Show less

Further information

The main objective of PQ-REACT project is to design, develop and validate a framework for a faster and smoother transition from classical to quantum resistant solutions for a wide variety of contexts and usage domains.

This framework will include PQC migration paths and cryptographic agility methods and will develop a portfolio of tools (including an actual quantum computer) for validation of post quantum cryptographic systems, that will allow users to switch to quantum resistant cryptography, taking under consideration their individualities and various contexts.

There are 4 Open Call Use Cases among which the applicants can choose, based on their expertise. 

Proposals should be in line with the NIS2 directive and the European Commission’s recommendations on a Coordinated Implementation Roadmap for the transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography and the PQ-REACT research topics. They should have software and technology as their primary objective and should be complete and concise. The following types of activities, provided they are cost-effective and have a clear link to the Use Cases topics and objectives directly relevant to PQ-REACT, qualify for financial support: 

  1. Design and development of software. 
  2. Software engineering aimed at adapting to new usage areas or improving software quality. 
  3. Events attendance and participation in technical, developer and community events. 
  4. Other activities that are relevant to adhering to robust software development and deployment practices. 
  5. Project management linked to the project execution. 
  6. Out-of-pocket costs for infrastructure essential to achieving the above. 

Open Call #1 is designed to invite applicants who can develop and provide innovative solutions to address the specific challenges of PQ-REACT Use Cases in terms of PQC computational complexity and energy efficiency. 

To be eligible, the proposals on this call can be submitted only by one partner (consortia are not allowed). Moreover, an applicant (SME, start-up, NGOs and foundations) can apply only once. For RTOs and Universities, one application is accepted per research group. No multiparticipation is allowed. 

The eligible entities by PQ-REACT open call should be legally identified under the following categories of organisations: 

  1. Start-ups – SMEs: 
  2. Universities and Research centers: One application is accepted per research group. 
  3. NGOs and foundations 
  4. Non-profit organizations and foundations with experience in post-quantum cryptography. 

Only applicants legally established/resident in any of the following countries are eligible for funding: 

  1. The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions. 
  2. Horizon Europe associated countries: according to the updated list published by the EC on the submission date of the proposal. 

Task description

The PQ-REACT project aims to design, build, and validate a framework for a quicker and more effortless shift from classical to post-quantum cryptography for various contexts and usage domains.

Open Call #1 – DEVELOP is designed to invite applicants who can develop and provide innovative solutions to address the specific challenges of PQ-REACT Use Cases in terms of PQC computational complexity and energy efficiency.

PQ-REACT Open Call aims to attract and engage Startups, SMEs and RTOs with PQC solutions/applications. Proposals are expected to address innovative solutions for a variety of applications within the Use Cases described below, including loTs, using PQC techniques. 

The proposals must fit within one of the following Use Cases: 

  1. Use Case 1: Smart energy meters  
  2. Use Case 2: 5G and 6G architectures 
  3. Use Case 3: Context Agility Manager (PQC Benchmarking) 
  4. Use Case 4: Eclipse-Qrisp for PQC. 


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