Pilots of long-term climate impact forest monitoring sites: Providing temporally resolved ecosystem-level information on the effects of climatic drivers on forest structure and function in near real-time


General Information

Opening date

31 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

31 October 2024 23:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

18 months

Total funding available

725 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

The ForestWard Observatory to Secure Resilience of European Forests

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL6-2022-CLIMATE-01-05 – Forestry – European observatory of climate change impacts and demonstration network of climate smart restoration pilots

Submission & evaluation process

Submission and evaluation process can be found on the grants website: https://efi.int/grants-training/grants/G-06-2024Show more

Further information

Call for Grants and further information can be found on the grant website: https://efi.int/grants-training/grants/G-06-2024

Task description

FORWARDS is a Horizon Europe project that will prototype the ForestWard Observatory, a pan-European monitoring and evaluation tool that will help demonstrate the impact of climate change on forests and guide decision-making for practical forest management. This call aims to set up pilots for long-term climate impact forest monitoring sites across Europe. Current long-term forest monitoring networks provide important information on the impact of climate change on forests. Still, most monitoring networks are not particularly focused on assessing climate change impacts. With this call, the aim is thus to increase the potential of existing forest monitoring sites – especially but not inclusively ICP Forests, ICOS or LTER sites (i.e., sites which already provide a basic set of monitoring data) to assess the impact of climate and climatic extremes on trees and forests. Third party grants are managed by FORWARDS Partner European Forest Institute (EFI).

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