ICAERUS PULL 2 Open Call for Farming Forestry and Rural Challenges


General Information

Opening date

08 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

16 October 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

The implementation of the ICAERUS PULL Open Call for Farming, Forestry and Rural Challenges sub-projects will last for 12 months and it will be divided into 3 phases: Phase.1 – Design (M1-M2), Phase.2 – Development (M3-M9), and Phase.3 – Market (M10-M12 months).

Total funding available

300 000,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Innovations and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural Uav Services

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-21 – Potential of drones as multi-purpose vehicle – risks and added values

Submission & evaluation process

SUBMISSION: In the second iteration of the PULL Open Call for Farming Forestry and Rural Challenges, ICAERUS will select 6 sub-projects that can tackle agricultural or rural challenges using drones and/or their services. All selected Open Call beneficiaries must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Section 3 of Annex 2 ICAERUS PULL 2 Applicants’ Guide. At the time of application, all applicants must submit the following: Annex 4 (Declaration of Honour) and Annex 5 (Declaration of Conducting Business). During the contracting phase, beneficiaries of the ICAERUS PULL 2 Open Call for Farming, Forestry and Rural Challenges, must also provide: Annex 6 (Bank account information) and three signed copies of the Sub-grant Agreement (indicative model given as an Annex 7, for informative purposes only), which will be given to them upon being declared a selected applicant. All applications for ICAERUS PULL 2 Open Call must be submitted in English, since the submissions done in other languages will be considered ineligible and will not be evaluated.

The entry point for submitting all proposals for ICAERUS Open Calls is the ICAERUS website, https://icaerus.eu/open-calls/, which will lead to the OpenCall Hub and the ICAERUS PULL 2 tab. Applications received through any other channel will be automatically discarded. All the documents needed for the application (ICAERUS PULL 2 Open Call Kit) can be found on the ICAERUS website, on the section dedicated to the Open Calls.

EVALUATION: After the PULL 2 for Farming, Forestry and Rural Challenges has been closed, an eligibility check will be carried out to discard non-eligible applications. Following the eligibility check, a remote evaluation will be done by a carefully selected external reviewers. Each proposal will be reviewed by two different reviewers, with specific technical and/or business expertise related to the topics of the call. The evaluation criteria covers: i) concept and feasibility – 30%, ii) technology readiness and innovation development – 30%, iii) impact and exploitation – 20%, and iv) organisational capacity, sufficiency in the applicant’s background and allocation of resources – 20% and each criterion can be scored from 1 to 5.Show less

Further information

ICAERUS PULL Open Calls for Farming, Forestry and Rural Challenges aim to attract (but are not limited to) end-users (agri-food producers, environmental monitoring entities and rural communities) to utilise drones and services built around them for individual commercial needs (e.g., crop production, early warning systems…) and/or community-related issues (e.g., disaster risk reduction, forest/wildlife conservation, etc.)..It is planned to finance 6 selected sub-projects in this call. The total sum for this iteration of the PULL Open Call is 300,000 €, and each winner may ask for up to 50,000 €.

Task description

The implementation of the ICAERUS PULL 2 sub-projects will be divided in 3 phases: Design (M1-M2), Development (M3-M9), and Market (M10-M12 months). Each of the 3 phases will be completed with the submission of a deliverable, which summarises the work done during that phase. Each deliverable will be reviewed by the ICAERUS Open Call Advisory Board, after which additional information or updates may be required. Based on the results of the review and acceptance of respected deliverables, payment will be made to the subgrantees in the following modalities:

Phase 1 – Design (M02), Deliverable: Activity plan – Payment of 30% of the total fund.

Phase 2 – Development (M09), Deliverable: Results demonstration – Payment of 50% of the total fund.

Phase 3 – Market (M12), Deliverable: Report on market associated activities – Payment of final 20% of the total fund.


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