European Digital Media Observatory


General information


Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)Budget overview


Accelerating the best use of technologies (DIGITAL-2024-BESTUSE-TECH-07)

Type of action

DIGITAL-SME Digital SME Support Actions

Type of MGA

DIGITAL Action Grant Budget-Based [DIGITAL-AG]


Deadline model


Planned opening date

04 July 2024

Deadline date

21 November 2024 17:00:00 Brussels timeTopic description



  • Production of a continuous flow of fact-checks which will also be stored in the EDMO’s repositories.
  • Deliver analytical reports on specific disinformation campaigns and/or studies or investigations linked to relevant disinformation phenomena.
  • Deliver media literacy events and/or campaigns at national/multi-national level to increase citizens’ awareness and societal resilience.
  • Supporting the monitoring of online platforms’ policies and in particular of the implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation in the geographical area covered by the hub by targeted inputs and analysis and delivering overviews and reports providing insight about the (dis)information landscape of the geographical/linguistic area covered.
  • Implementing a communication strategy building on the targeted use of various channels (e.g. traditional and online media outlets, podcasts, social media etc.) aiming to reach a broad audience (both professional audience and the general public).
  • Delivering an annual report on the activities of the hub.



The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) has been created with the aim of supporting an independent multidisciplinary community to tackle the phenomenon of disinformation. EDMO is composed of the regional hubs and a central platform and governance structure which supports and coordinates them.

The objective of this topic is to finance the work of independent regional hubs for analysis of digital media ecosystems in order to ensure the coverage of geographical areas covered by the EDMO hubs for which the funding is ending at the end of 2024 and in 2025.

A hub involves organisations active in one or several Member State(s), that will provide specific knowledge of local information environments so as to strengthen the detection and analysis of disinformation campaigns, improve public awareness, and design effective responses relevant for national audiences. The activities of the hubs are carried out in full independence from third-party entities including public authorities.

Hubs will cover more than one Member State with similar media ecosystems within an EU region.Scope:


Building on previous work done by the existing hubs, in order to comply with these objectives, the EDMO hubs will:

  • Actively participate in the governance of EDMO and the reinforcement of the EDMO network as well as contribute to the joint across-hubs projects.
  • Detect, fact-check and disclose harmful disinformation campaigns, as well as conduct research on the impact of disinformation campaigns and tailor-made media literacy campaigns within their territory and/or linguistic area.
  • Support the monitoring of online platforms’ policies and implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation in their territory and/or linguistic area and provide insight about the (dis)information landscape of the territory/linguistic area covered.
  • Support researchers’ endeavours regarding obtaining more access to platforms’ data and carry out research applying data-science methods.
  • Pull together and foster the growth of a regional multidisciplinary independent community detecting and analysing disinformation campaigns.
  • Communicate through various channels (e.g. traditional and online media outlets, podcasts, social media etc.) and carry out communication campaigns.

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