GreenBoost4WISEs first open call for financial support to third parties


General Information

Opening date

30 April 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

30 June 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

Between September 2024 and November 2024

Total funding available

528 300,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project


Grant agreement number



SMP-COSME-2022-SEE-01 – Greening SMEs in the proximity and social economy ecosystem through transnational co-operation

Submission & evaluation process

With this call, GreenBoost4WISEs project will select up to 40 participants in total to take part to study visits in Austria, Italy, Ireland and Belgium, as well as to have coaching and mentoring sessions on greening strategies. All activities aim at exploring and enabling peer learning of Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) and Social Economy Enterprises (SEEs) towards the adoption of greener and more sustainable practices within their operations.

The key aims of the call are precisely:

  1. To support transnational and cross-sectoral cooperation and exchange of good practices
  2. To enable sustainable growth of WISEs to face the green transition;
  3. To upskill and train staff and management of WISEs to green their operations;
  4. To encourage the uptake and adoption of sustainable measures and innovative solutions;
  5. To foster cooperation between WISEs and other relevant stakeholders

Applicants must be legal entities (WISEs or SEEs) to submit their application. The applicants must complete the form: . In addition, the applicants will be asked to attach the following annexes to the application form:

  1. Statute, if available
  2. Proof of legal statuses as Work integration Social Enterprises or Social Enterprises

WISEs/SEEs will need to explain reasons why they are willing to join the transnational activities (study visits) and coaching and mentoring activities in the application. In addition, WISEs and SEEs need to present their experiences and expertise, if relevant to the objectives of the call.

The motivation and impact need to consider the commitment or interest in one or more of the following topics:

  1. Eco- Friendly Organization: to make the WISE/SEE more environmentally friendly, implement sustainability strategies and work on a sustainable future
  2. Circular Economy: sustainable Raw material, Reduce, ReUse, Recycle
  3. Develop new fields of activities or adapt existing activities in the green/sustainability sector

The award criteria for eligible applications are:

  1. Motivation: the reasons why the applicant is willing to join the transnational study visits and coaching and mentoring activities.
  2. Impact: an estimation of the tangible impact on the applicant Organisation     and/or       on its   current    greening       development       process.

Each applicant can submit only one application, and must consult the Applicants guideline available at GreenBoost4WISEs ( . Deadline for submission is the 30th of June 2024 at 5pm CET.

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