Virtual Workshop Series of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

The Workshop series dedicated to the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda has officially kicked off! The objective is to provide AU-EU innovators and the whole stakeholder community participating in the implementation of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda with a practical opportunity for training, growth, networking and collaboration.

The series will comprise seven virtual workshops that will focus on topics related to the priority areas of the AU-EU cooperation in Research and Innovation: Public Health, Green Transition, Innovation & Technology and Capacities for Science and will offer working and interactive sessions, including AU-EU Deep Tech training modules.

The first edition took place on 28 November 2023 and focused on intellectual property rights and how the future AU-EU IPR collaboration could be shaped in the context of the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.

The next Workshop will take place on 29 May 2024 (10.00-15:00 CEST) and will focus on Access to finance for innovators.


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