Call For Proposals: ECO-READY Open Call for establishing a Living Labs Network

 ECO-READY Open Call for establishing a Living Labs Network

Opening date

31 May 2023

Deadline model


Call deadline

31 August 2023 17:00 (Brussels time)

Expected duration of participation

The implementation of the open call sub-projects performed by the selected Living Labs will last for 24 months and will be divided into 3 phases: Phase.1 – Design (M01-M06), Phase.2 – Development (M07-M17), and Phase.3- Impact (M18-M24).

Total funding available


Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Achieving Ecological Resilient Dynamism for the European food system through consumer-driven policies, socio-ecological challenges, biodiversity, data-driven policy, sustainable futures

Grant agreement number:



HORIZON-CL6-2022-CLIMATE-01-04 – Fostering the resilience of agricultural production: from observation of changes to the development of resilience strategies

Submission & evaluation process 

ECO-READY will select at least 10 Living Labs. All Open Call applicants must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in Section 3.2.1 of the Applicants’ Guide- Overall eligibility criteria. At the time of application, along with the Open Call proposal template, all applicants must submit the following: Annex 1 (Consortium Declaration), Annex 2 (Declaration of Honor), Annex 3 (Declaration of Conducting Business). During the contracting phase, winner applicants must also provide Annex 4 (Bank account information form) and three signed copies of the Sub-grant Agreement for the ECO-READY Open Call (indicative model given as Annex 6, for informative purposes only), which will be given to them upon being declared a winning applicant. All applications for the ECO-READY Open Call for establishing a Living Labs network must be submitted in English. Submissions done in other languages will be considered ineligible and will not be evaluated.

Proposal submissions can only be done via the Open Call Hub platform ( The link to the Open Call Hub platform will also be available on the ECO-READY website Applications received through any other channel will be automatically discarded. All the documents needed for the application (ECO-READY Open Call Kit) can be found on the ECO-READY website, on the section dedicated to the Open Call (Living Labs).

EVALUATION: After the ECO-READY Open Call has been closed, an eligibility check process will be carried out by the ECO-READY Monitoring Committee to discard non-eligible applications. Following the eligibility check process, a remote evaluation will be done by carefully selected external reviewers. Each proposal will be reviewed by two different reviewers, with specific scientific and/or technical expertise related to the topics of the call.

The evaluation criteria cover: 1) Alignment with the call’s objectives, 2) Excellence, 3) Impact, 4) Value, 5) Implementation. All award criteria have the same weight, and can take a score from 1 to 5 with a threshold of minimum 3 points in each category, and at least 15 points in total.

Further information 

ECO-READY Open Call aims to attract consortia of 2-5 partners with at least 1 community of users and at least 1 scientific/technical/commercial entity, with expertise in food security, biodiversity, or climate change to investigate 5 model-based scenarios and exchange data collected with the ECO-READY Observatory.

A total of 4 million euro will be allocated to the selection of a minimum of 10 Living Lab projects. Each project can receive up to 400k euro and each party within the project will have a budget between 60-200k euro.

Kindly Apply Here:

Topic Eligibility and Documents:

kindly Apply Here:

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