Call For Proposal: Holistic Support to Children and Adolescents’ Health and Care Provisions In An Increasingly Digital Society

Holistic Support to Children and Adolescents’ Health and Care Provisions In An Increasingly Digital Society


Deadline model: Two Stage

Opening date: 30 March 2023

Deadline date: 19 September 2023 | 11 April 2024

Expected Outcome:

This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several impacts of destination 1 “Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society”. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are directed at, tailored towards and contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Children, adolescents and their parents/carers are educated and empowered in prevention strategies involving personalised approaches and solutions (also through the use of digital tools) to manage, maintain and improve children’s and adolescents’ own health, physical activity, nutrition habits, leisure needs, mental and social well-being, in full respect of the privacy of individuals.
  • Children and adolescents, including those from vulnerable contexts, monitor their health risks, adopt healthy lifestyles at home, at school and in the community and interact with their doctors and carers (receiving and providing feedback), also through the means of digitally enabled solutions, better health literacy, training and critical thinking.
  • Thanks to better co-creation, training, digital and health literacy, children, adolescents, parents and carers across Europe access and use person-centred, widely available solutions for children and adolescents’ health, care and wellbeing, appropriate to a rapidly changing and increasingly digitalised society, also considering the risk of digital addiction.

The proposals should provide appropriate indicators to measure the progress towards the relevant expected outcomes.


Laying the ground for a healthy life starts in childhood. Accordingly, and in line with the HealthyLifestyles4All Initiative[1], the ‘Healthier Together’ – EU Non-Communicable Diseases Initiative[2], and the Communication of the Commission on enabling the Digital Transformation of Health and Care[3],[4], the main goal of the research and innovation should be to promote healthier societies by developing holistic solutions that foster healthy lifestyles from early age with long-term impact(s).

Digitalisation poses risks but can also be a driving force for empowering young citizens, who are growing up in an increasingly digitised world, in taking an active role in the management of their own health conditions, mental and social well-being, and promote healthy lives and disease prevention, through innovative solutions, coordinated person-centred care models and better health literacy.

The topic encourages the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as of European, national and regional authorities and civil society, in order to strengthen the scientific and technological expertise of SMEs in the health and care domain to promote the uptake of innovative health and care solutions in Europe.


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