6G-SANDBOX 3rd Open Call for for Innovative Experiments


General Information

Opening date

03 July 2024

Deadline model


Deadline dates

19 September 2024 17:00 (Brussels time)

Open For Submission

Expected duration of participation

Up to six months. Longer experimentation needs to be duly justified (maximum 9 months)

Total funding available

772 980,00 €

Project acronym


Full name of the EU funded project

Supporting Architectural and technological Network evolutions through an intelligent, secureD and twinning enaBled Open eXperimentation facility

Grant agreement number



HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-C-01-01 – SNS experimental Infrastructure

Submission & evaluation process


The rules for participation and funding in the Open Calls are subject to the General Annexes to Horizon Europe for the Work Programme 2023-2024.

Feasibility check:

The proposers are encouraged to contact 6G-SANDBOX, in order to check the feasibility of the proposal for implementation within the 6G-SANDBOX facilities. To perform the feasibility check, up to one page description of planned experiment has to be sent to via email to: opencalls@6g-sandbox.eu until 5 September 2024 at 17:00 (Brussels local time).


~ The proposals must be submitted through the online submission portal, available at https://submission.eurescom.eu/

~ The proposals must be submitted by using the mandatory proposal template, available on the project website at https://6g-sandbox.eu/open-call-3/.

~ Language in which the proposal should be submitted: English


To perform evaluations, the project will involve independent experts, which are not part of the 6G-SANDBOX consortium and cannot evaluate proposals where a conflict of interest can be identified.

The independent experts will perform the proposal evaluations, including their rating and ranking, in accordance with requirements and objectives specified in the Open Call

Selection of the proposals for funding will ensure to cover as many identified call topics as possible and a further priority will be given to ensure equal utilization of the 6GSANDBOX facilities – applies only to proposals ranked above threshold.

Evaluation of the received proposals, final ranking, and decision on proposals to be funded, including notifications to the proposers, will be completed latest until mid of November 2024.Show less

Further information


~ The maximum amount of financial support for each innovative experiment is 60,000€ for eligible costs and considering the funding rate.

~ A consortium of up to two organizations can apply for funding. The total aggregated funding shall not exceed 60,000€.

~ Maximum one proposal per organization might be selected for funding within this open call.

~ In accordance with the funding rules of the SNS JU work programme, the financial support to the third parties will be 90% (for-profit organization) or 100% (not-for-profit organization) of the declared costs.


~ Detailed technical, contractual, eligibility, as well as submission and evaluation process information are available on the 6G-SANDBOX website at https://6g-sandbox.eu/open-call-3/.

~ Description of the 6G-SANDBOX facilities can be found on the project website at https://6g-sandbox.eu/pilot-6g-sites/.

~ The proposals accepted in this Open Call will start the planned work in January 2025 and should be completed in June 2025 (duration six months). Longer experimentation needs (maximum 9 months) must be duly justified.

Task description

In alignment with the overall project objectives 6G-SANDBOX is organizing a competitive open call targeting external organizations, including industry, SMEs, research institutions, and academia, interested in performing experiments on the top of the infrastructure provided by the 6G-SANDBOX. This open call invites experimenters to use the 6G-SANDBOX experimental facilities, by taking advantage of the provided testbed features, in order to deploy and test broad scope of applications, e.g., coming from various vertical sectors, tailored for the future 6G communications networks.

The objective is to deploy and test innovative experiments over the 6G-SANDBOX experimentation infrastructure. Innovative 6G use cases and KPI measurements shall use the features and capabilities of the 6G-SANDBOX experimentation infrastructureFurther objective is to demonstrate future 6G communications networks in the context of use cases described in FG-NET2030-Sub-G1 and in the scope of the ITU IMT-2030 framework. The main scope is to deliver values and ratings for application and network KPIs, as well as to quantify the added value for their target vertical sector.

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